Thursday, January 28, 2010

Priceless part 1

Instead of whingeing about things that I terribly miss I thought I'd blog about it to get it out of my system.

I do love my little Noah to bits... so much so that I think about him all the time and that pretty much my world, my diary, my every minute revolves around him. So don't get me wrong, I will NOT trade motherhood for anything BUT it's worthwhile noting, for those considering motherhood, what some of the smaller, mundane trade offs are.

1. Being able to finish a hot cup of drink while it's still HOT... priceless.
2. Going out to the mall or the gym or meet a girlfriend at a DROP OF A HAT ... priceless.
3. Reading the weekend paper from cover to cover in one go .... priceless.
4. Unlimited glasses of wine or coffee ... priceless.
5. Going to the cinema ... priceless.
6. Going out to dinner ... priceless.
7. Sleeping for at least 6 hours STRAIGHT ... priceless.
8. Sleeping in beyond 9AM... priceless.
9. Going out with just my tiny handbag ... priceless.

There's more to the list but baby's calling... so wait for Priceless part 2.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Top Tips 1

Throughout my pregnancy I was given a lot of unsolicited advice. Some of them were brilliant and were certainly God-sent so I thought I'd share them including other tips that I think would be helpful given my own personal experience. Not so much on how to care for a newborn as you can go to classes for that and also every baby is different. More a list of things that every new mother or mom to be should know...

1. Cook and freeze as many meals as your freezer will hold. For the first three weeks after my baby was born, my hubby and I lived off home-cooked frozen dinners. All we did was boil rice or cook pasta to go with the cooked meals. This allowed us more time to spend with our very demanding newborn whilst making sure our own needs are met as well - what is more gratifying than a nice meal! Towards the end of pregnancy, try and cook extra every time you make dinner and then freeze them. It's no extra effort except maybe more chopping but well worth it.

2. If someone is throwing you a Baby Shower, try and have it as early as reasonably possible. Either have a gift registry or do your own baby clothes shopping after the shower. You will end up with so many clothes given as presents and it would be good if they don't end up duplicating what you've already got.

3. Hold off on buying a lot of feeding bottles unless you are absolutely sure that you will not breastfeed. Two bottles would be plenty in the early weeks if you just intend to top up with formula from time to time.

4. Mentally and emotionally prepare to have a very unsettled baby on the third day after child birth. This is the day when babies start to go really hungry and unfortunately your breast milk supply is still low and just coming in. So, it would seem that no matter what you do, your baby would be very unhappy. I was breastfeeding every 2 hours but he would still cry so much and therefore not sleep properly. I eventually allowed the midwives to give my baby formula at midnight as I just couldn't bear to see my baby so unhappy anymore. They were giving 10 ml each time and here is a photo of my baby being fed formula through drops by the midwife. The following day, the paediatrician saw my baby and instructed the midwives to offer the baby 50 ml. of formula after each breastfeed as she saw that the baby was getting really hungry and not having enough milk. This ensures that the baby will continue to suck and help build up my milk supply whilst being well fed as well.

5. If your hospital has an overnight nursery, do take advantage of it. I left my baby with the nursery midwives overnight as North Shore Private Hospital had this facility. The nursery was open from 6pm to 6am and every mother had the option of leaving their baby in the nursery so they can sleep for a few hours straight. The nurses took note of when the feeds were scheduled so they can call the mother to take the baby and return it to the nursery once feed was done. The overnight nursery was a fantastic option however not all hospitals offer it.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Day Noah was Born

It's been a while since my last post.. how bad a blogger am I? Tsk tsk tsk ... but the good thing is no one follows my blog (except my brother David and my Dad) so it's not like someone out there is missing out hahaha.

Well, good news is I had baby Noah on the 7th of December which explains the long absence. I thought what a good way to resurrect my blog but to write about The Day Noah was born.

I had the baby through Ceasarean section which I highly recommend and would probably do again if I ever get blessed with another baby. After 5 days of being overdue, I had my last doctor's appointment around 9am when he was going to examine me internally to see what's going on "down there." There were no signs of impending labour (cervix closed and head not engaged) plus my blood pressure was high. So, Doctor Smith recommended the Ceasarean as the first alternative which was an induction would likely lead to a C-section anyway. If I go through the labour AND the Ceasarean my body wouldn't heal as quickly as if I just had the latter. So, we went with the expert's advice and lo and behold he booked the operation for that afternoon. Never in my (and my husband's) many birth scenarios did this one come up.

The few hours leading up to the operation were all too surreal. I felt like I was in a trance. I went through the motions of getting my things organized - suitcase for the hospital, baby's bag - tidied up a bit so I wouldn't come home to a mess but what was really going through my mind was a silent prayer for baby's health and well being and of course a successful operation as after all, it is a major surgery what I'm about to go through. When we got to the hospital (North Shore Private) the midwives helped me get settled in my room, I changed to the hospital gown and waited for the orderly to get me. At around 2.00 in the afternoon, it was time and so I got wheeled to the operating theatre with husband Glenn by my side. When they were giving me the anesthetics, Glenn was given his "space" outfit to wear during the procedure. He complained that he was going to pass out from wearing it as it was so hot but I think he was really passing out because he saw the canular being put in and the big needle for my spine! Poor thing, he had to sit on the floor whilst they prepped me in the operating theatre. Eventually, he was asked to come in and then he sat next to me near my head, holding my hand. I can feel lots going on in my belly area - pushing and tugging - but there was no pain.

Eventually, I heard cries and looked at Glenn as I couldn't believe he is out! The doctor quickly showed me my grey baby, screaming his lungs out then he was taken to the midwives to be checked, weighed, wrapped etc. Glenn quickly left my side to see our baby and take photos (this is first ever photo of Noah). I asked for the time my baby was born and he came to the world at 3:07 pm. Eventually, hubby put the baby on my chest, almost right below my chin, as operation wasn't over, whilst I gaze at my screaming baby. I think it was all too new and strange that I didn't really feel that immediate attachment to the strange screaming creature.

My husband took my baby to my room whilst I recovered from the operation. After an hour or so I was taken back to my room to meet up with my new family - hubby and baby Noah. Noah was silent by then and I just marveled at his beauty and the miracle of it all - somehow by God's grace we now have this beautiful son.

The midwives were fantastic. Throughout that first day, they just kept checking up on me, topping up my pain medication and doing all sorts of things to make sure I'm OK as my blood pressure had become very high again. Glenn stayed with me until almost midnight and helped me with breastfeeding and just being my assistant as I was glued to my bed. Baby Noah stayed in the hospital nursery overnight and brought to me for feeding once or maybe twice that night.

So after 40 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy, I am now a proud mum to Noah.
